Scope catalogs

Scope catalogs Download Or preview

The following selection is an electronic version of our catalogues.

Scope’s interactive and PDF catalogues are offered as environmentally-friendly alternatives to our print catalogues:

Scope catalogs
Stainless Steel
Aluminium 6061
Pipes & Piping Systems
Aerospace Materials
Pumps Catalogue
Fasteners - ANSI
Fasteners - DIN

Notice to Project Planners / Buyers:

Scope Metals Group makes every reasonable effort to ensure the information and data in this catalog is correct and accurate.

To the best of our knowledge, all the information in this catalog is accurate and correct at the time of publication. Scope Metals Group shall bear no responsibility for any errors, inaccuracies or misunderstandings of the information provided in this catalog or as a result of same, E&OE.

The information and images in this catalog are for illustration only. Scope is not responsible that goods will be suitable for a particular purpose.

Scope is not obligated to provide or stock the products listed above. The above information may change without any notice.

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